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Think about your Drink!

Many of us are not aware of the extra sugar and calories that we consume daily from our beverages. Taking the time to think about your drink and what is in it is a great way to improve your drinking habits and reduce added sugars in your diet.

What's in my drink?

Have you ever thought about what is in your drink? Is there sugar, high fructose corn syrup? If you see ingredients like this on the food label there is added sugar in your drink. It is important to take some time to review food labels and know what to look out for to make better choices.

Some examples of drinks with added sugars are sodas, sweetened- iced tea, sports drinks, fruit juices and more. These drinks while tasty, are full of added sugars that can potentially harm our health and often do not provide any nutritional value.

Why should we limit added sugars?

There are many reasons to limit added sugars in our diets, primarily as it relates to the impacts that excess sugar has on our health. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), drinking beverages with added sugars can put you and your family at an increased risk for many health issues including type 2 diabetes, weight gain, and obesity (1).

The CDC recommends that children under the age of 2 are not given drinks with added sugars (2). The CDC also recommends that daily added sugars should remain at less than 10% of daily caloric intake for children over 2 years of age and adults (2). The number of daily calories and sugar intake may vary person-by-person due to a number of factors including age, sex, race/ethnicity, and physical activity levels.

Tips to think about your drink!

There are many ways to think about your drink and limit sugary drinks in your diet. See the tips below or watch the video to learn more!

1. Read the label

When buying groceries or at the store, be sure to check the nutrition label for any

added sugars, high fructose corn syrup, and calories. Choose drinks without added

sugars! This is a great way to be informed about what you are drinking.

2. Add some flavor!

There are many ways to add flavor to water if drinking plain water is not your

preference. Add some fresh fruit such as lemon, lime or cucumbers for a refreshing

taste and no additional calories.

3. Make small changes

If you are used to drinking beverages with added sugars, it can be hard to make

changes, but you can take smalls steps to improve your drinking habits. For

example, switch soda for flavored sparkling water. Or drink 100% fruit juice and

water it down slightly. You can also continue to drink teas and coffees, but be

aware of what may be in these drinks. Choose to drink unsweetened tea or coffees

without added syrups or sugars, and skip additional toppings such as whipped


Try out these tips as you and your family think about your drink! There are many opportunities each day to choose healthier beverages without added sugars and calories. Think about your drink the next time you are buying groceries, ordering a beverage at a restaurant, picking a snack, or eating a meal. This will benefit your health and might also save you money. Beverages such as sodas or sweetened teas are more expensive to buy at grocery stores and to order at a restaurant compared to water. So, the next time you are thirsty remember to think about your drink!


1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021, September 10). Rethink your drink.

2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021, May 6). Get the facts: Added sugars.

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