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4 Simple Ways to Stay Fit as a Family

Updated: Sep 12, 2021

Between school, work, children, and other life commitments, finding ways to stay fit can be a challenge. Luckily, being active together as a family doesn’t have to be hard. There are simple ways we can keep our bodies active while also spending quality time together as a family. Being active can be fun!

Try these four tips below.

1. Take a walk before or after dinner together.

At the end of the day, spending time with our family is a great way to reconnect. Even better, you can get some exercise in too! Spend some time outside on a leisurely or brisk walk, engage in conversation, and enjoy the fresh air.

2. Turn on the radio or play music and have a dance party!

Play some music, turn up the tunes, and move your body. Put on your child’s favorite songs, sing along to the music, and dance until you can’t dance anymore.

3. Make cleaning the house a fun game.

Children love to play pretend and have such great imaginations. Use this to your advantage! Children may not even realize they are getting some exercise in when they are cleaning if they are playing too. Pretend you are on a scavenger hunt for dust bunnies or trying to see who can fold the laundry the fastest!

4. When a commercial comes on TV, start exercising until the commercial ends

Do some jumping jacks, try sit-ups, or stretch- the possibilities are endless. Make exercise breaks a fun new part of your TV time routine. Keep it simple; the whole point is that you are taking advantage of the opportunity to move your body.

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